Research & development department
A sustainable innovation incubator
MerConcept has been using the wind to power its boats and sail around the planet since 2006 by assisting ocean racing projects which bring people together and inspire them.
Today, MerConcept is a mission-driven company and is convinced of the need to give direction to progress. MerConcept has created a sustainable innovation laboratory to provide its R&D with the resources it needs and to feed the creation of a maritime mobility division, by placing the emphasis on 5 axes: materials, energy, piloting, life cycle analysis and data analysis.
Objective : To develop high performance boats that are designed with materials which are part of a sustainable development strategy (low impact materials, recyclable materials).
Our progress to date :
Construction of an Optimist from linen fibres
Pre-study for an eco-designed Mini 6.50
Design of biosourced parts on our boats and for our clients
Study of a carbon recycling channel
Objective : To command the whole propulsion chain from the most consistent energy from an environmental point of view and achieve energy autonomy.
Our progress to date :
Hybrid engine for the SVR-LAZARTIGUE Trimaran
Study of the energy chain for an electric hydrofoil catamaran
Study of the energy chain for an electric hydrofoil catamaran
Objective : Analyse and view the data to optimise the flight and direction of our boats
Our progress to date :
Flight control laws
Flight assistance systems
Concrete application:
Electric hydrofoil catamaran
Life cycle analysis (LCA)
Life Cycle Analysis is a complete, multi-criteria, global method which is used to quantify the environmental impacts associated with a study theme. Different indicators are taken into account over the project’s entire lifetime in order to establish the most detailed diagnostic possible: from construction to operation.
Objective: to measure, produce monitoring indicators and identify and share lasting solutions.
Data analysis
The advanced technologies and radical architectural solutions that are now developed on our boats require and extremely complete and advanced data analysis. From the construction phase, and then while sailing and on return to land, everything which can be quantified is screened by our specialists.
Objective: to make the boat reliable and optimise its performance to the maximum.
The lab and its objectives
Between research and innovation
- Carry out applied research through 3 key areas
- Help to develop the maritime world by carrying out technology transfers
- Experiment, test and implement collaborative solutions on our ships
- Develop growth relays for MerConcept and between the partners involved
- Perpetuate and increase the skills of the human resources related to innovation
- Give meaning to progress

Our projects

Optiflax, Optimist biosourced materials
Ordered by ERPLAST and supported by the Brittany Region, we have built the OPTIFLAX in our Concarneau yard; this is a prototype Optimist made from linen fibres and partially-biosourced resin (unlike a standard Optimist which is made from fibre glass and polyester resin).
We are proud to have contributed to this project which seeks to reduce the environmental impact of boat construction. The use of partially-biosourced resin and linen fibre enables us to reduce our impact on the global warming indicator (CO2 equivalent emissions). However, in order to quantify the impacts related to the processes, we will carry out a life cycle analysis in order to identify other areas for improvement, which constitutes a first step.
Transferring the work that we have carried out in our MerConcept Lab to a nautical industry actor like Erplast feeds into our mission to pass our skills onto the maritime world. Collectively, we will make massive reductions in our impacts.
The end purpose of this initiative is even more important because this boat, which is accessible to as many people as possible, has a dual vocation: to teach sailing and to make future skippers aware of environmental objectives.
Biomaterial part design
Composites, thanks to their extreme properties, provide us with infinite creativity and innovation. Able to adapt to shapes which are particularly complex and unusual, they are extremely solid and flexible and highly water-resistant.
Designing composite parts with high added value has been at the heart of our expertise for 15 years, from design to manufacture. We attach particular importance to work on these materials, which are essential for the sporting and environmental performances of our ocean racing boats, and now more generally for the comfort and design of the high-tech prototypes we offer our clients.
By working with passion on the design of increasingly-strategic parts, our teams have acquired high-tech skills; each day we are constantly striving to build in the most precise and sustainable way possible.
Tailor-made is our signature. Each day, we strive to offer our clients and partners unique parts which meet their needs and are innovative, high performing and attractive.
Do you have a project and want to contact us to design biomaterial parts?